My rating: 3 of 5 stars
*I received a DIGITAL Advance Reader Copy of this book from Edelweiss+ in exchange for an honest review.*
If you need a guide to minimalism, I think that this would be the right book for you.
For me though it was a little different...
While reading this book I found a part of it very interesting and a part of it very average.
In general I enjoyed it but I don't see myself reaching for it again.
It definitely gave me very good tips about minimalism which I will find very helpful now that I am moving to a smaller house.
I think that you should be in the right mindset to enjoy and fully appreciate this book.
Synopsis from Goodreads:
A popular minimalist blogger and author of The More of Less shows you how to methodically turn your home into a place of peace, contentment, and purposeful living.
One of today's most influential minimalist advocates takes us on a decluttering tour of our own houses and apartments, showing us how to decide what to get rid of and what to keep. He both offers practical guidelines for simplifying our lifestyle at home and addresses underlying issues that contribute to over-accumulation in the first place. The purpose is not just to create a more inviting living space. It's also to turn our life's HQ--our home--into a launching pad for a more fulfilling and productive life in the world.