Wednesday 1 July 2020

Big Ideas for Little Philosophers... by Duane Armitage (Series Review)

Hello everyone!!

You will have probably figured out by now that I like to read children's books and especially picture books. They hold a special place in my heart and I see it also as a research for my little one. 

Browsing the catalogs of Edelweiss + for books I stumbled across this picture book series. It's a non-fiction series with the very interesting title Big Ideas for Little Philosophers. It is written by Duane Armitage and illustrated byMaureen McQuerry & Robin Rosenthal. It is published by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers and so far the series has four picture books. The books will release on July 7th 2020.

It's an exciting board book series that asks deep questions in a wonderfully accessible way. Even little children have big questions about life and these books try to answer them is a simple and understandable way. Also the illustrations accompanying the books are very beautiful.  

The four titles in the series are:

Truth with Socrates

Socrates believed being truthful and asking questions about the world can make us wise, and Truth with Socrates brings his philosophy to the youngest thinkers. From the importance of being honest even if it's hard or makes you scared to always asking questions to understand more about everything around you, this book will lead to inspiring conversations about human dynamics between people of all ages.

Equality with Simone de Beauvoir

Simone de Beauvoir focused much of her work on the concept of equality, insisting that girls and boys and women and men should have the same opportunities to be happy. Everyone should have the right to be themselves and be treated with respect no matter what. Kids will come away from this book encouraged to think about how the same things can make girls and boys happy or sad or excited, and everyone should listen to who they are on the inside and respect that in others. 

Happiness with Aristotle

Finding happiness is a lifelong goal and Aristotle thought deeply about it. Why are we here? What is the best way to live a happy life? Having friends who are fun and adventurous is important, but it's also important to have true friends who will help us be good people and tell us when we're straying from that. He also believed we have to love ourselves in order to love others and be happy. This book will prompt readers to concentrate on what makes them happy and how they can be a good friend to others and themselves.

Imagination with Rene Descartes

Imaginations are unique to every human on earth and Rene Descartes believed that is what makes every person their own true self. By thinking about what we imagine and how all people imagine differently, kids can work on understanding others' perspectives and points of view and become more empathetic. Imagination with Rene Descartes will help them see how using your imagination makes you "you" and understanding the same about friends and family is an important part of getting along in a community.

I highly recommend to check those picture books out. They are perfect for every little reader out there!

See you in the next post and don't forget to keep reading!!!

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